
ICEA LION pumps UGX 30M in the 2022 Kinyara Open Golf Tournament

Gabriel Kuria, ICEA LION General’s Chief Executive Officer hands over a dummy cheque worth UGX 30,000,000 towards the Kinyara Open Golf Tournament to Geoffrey Agundri, Kinyara Golf Club Captain and Caroline Amogin PR & Communications Manager Kinyara Sugar Limited at the Uganda Golf Club.

ICEA LION Group Uganda on Tuesday evening officially announced its sponsorship package worth UGX 30,000,000 towards the 24th edition of the Kinyara Open Golf Tournament at the Uganda Golf Club.

Speaking at a press conference to announce the sponsorship, Gabriel Kuria, ICEA LION General’s Chief Executive Officer said, ICEA LION Group is happy that they have been able to continue with the sponsorship partnership forged with the Kinyara Sugar Ltd through such partnerships like the upcoming golf tournament that has now lasted for over 6 years.

“Golf is progressively becoming a more popular and highly anticipated sport that more and more people are progressively picking an interest in. It gives us great pride to not only contribute to the development of the sport but also nurture golf talent in Uganda. We are hopeful that this talent will not only be the best locally but will also go across the Ugandan borders to compete at an international level.” Gabriel said.

Gabriel Kuria, ICEA LION General’s Chief Executive Officer hands over a dummy cheque worth UGX 30,000,000 towards the Kinyara Open Golf Tournament to Geoffrey Agundri, Kinyara Golf Club Captain and Caroline Amogin PR & Communications Manager Kinyara Sugar Limited at the Uganda Golf Club.

The Kinyara Open is a two day annual golf tournament that will take place from 24th – 26th of November in Masindi district.

It is expected to attract over 160 golfers – professional and amateurs – from across the country.

The Professionals and Gross players will play 36 holes on Friday 25th November 2022 while the amateurs will play 18 holes on Saturday 26th November 2022.

The event will be crowned with a party and prize giving ceremony on Saturday evening 26th November 2022 at Kinyara Sugar Ltd grounds.

Caroline Amongin, the Corporate Communications Manager Kinyara Sugar Limited thanked ICEA LION Group Uganda, and other partners, for their continued support of the tournament over the years. She said the relationship between Kinyara Sugar Limited and the golf union can only get stronger as it goes a long way to support the growing talent in the game of golf in Uganda.

“We are thrilled be back after a two year break due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Safety for all participants is going to be key and we look forward to welcoming all the participants and fans in Masindi come Thursday as we kick off this year’s tournament.” She said.

“We are expecting an increase in the number of golfers who desire to play in the Kinyara Open Golf tournament and I want to inform the participants that there are exciting prizes in store for group and top performers so I encourage you to bring your best game to the tournament.” Caroline added.

The Kinyara Open Golf Tournament is a partnership between Kinyara Sugar Limited and Insurance companies (ICEA LION Group, Liaison Group, UAP Old Mutual, Sanlam, and MUA). This year, the sponsors have boosted the tournament with a Kitty of UGX 10M to be shared among the overall professional winners.

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