
Fashion TV Africa: typical African style fashion channel joins StarTimes!

Fashion TV Africa: typical African style fashion channel joins StarTimes!

FASHION TV AFRICA is a channel dedicated to the African market, maintaining its brand tone & quality but also incorporating African style with 500 hours of updates per year, and will continue to grow as it has established a fairly active network of operations in the African fashion industry, providing a direct and rapid reserve for local content production and marketing.

Its flagship content includes major influential shows such as MISS South Africa and Africa Top Models, and African celebrities and fashion models are regularly invited to participate in the themed events, fashion weeks, fashion parties and so on.

FASHION TV AFRICA has been setting the highest standards for excellence in fashion and lifestyle broadcasting. The only TV equivalent to fashion print media appealing to everyone interested in fashion, style, beauty and trends, FASHION TV AFRICA understands and caters to its audience by providing original, unbiased and informative programming not available on other networks. A strong image and exceptional awareness of FASHION TV AFRICA’s brand projects a unique, cosmopolitan and modern style allowing for influential partnerships with many global brands.

“Though the definition of fashion varies from individual view, if you are looking for a channel of constant fashion-related stories from international and local culture, FASHION TV AFRICA might be the best answer,” said Christine Nagujja, the Public Relations Manager of StarTimes.

To enjoy the channel, simply buy a dish decoder at UGX 99,000 or simply subscribe to Smart bouquet at UGX 28000/- at any of StarTimes branches and outlets countrywide.

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